We've all been working hard, making good progress on the project. We are once again on the move! As you may have noticed, we've been updating this website frequently, such as adding the chat feature and revamping the gallery page. Since this is all under construction, we do not have all the new features available - such as the downloads and videos are not ready yet. These are all coming - we appreciate your patience and support for our team!

7/9/2012 04:59:34 am

Good luck!

7/23/2012 05:37:50 am


8/24/2012 05:22:32 pm

Excellent! I admire all the helpful data you've shared in your articles. I'm looking forward for more helpful articles from you. :)

Joseph Aidan


Leave a Reply.


    TheMachine is the Co Director of Project B.U.I.L.D. He is also a programmer and community correspondent (he answers questions people have).

    BusyCityGuy is the senior animator and modeler for Project B.U.I.L.D., and manages this website. He's also a web developer for the new upcoming website.


    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012