A new website!


You may have noticed that our previous website, http://www.projectbuildsite.weebly.com/ has been unpublished. Well, this is because we're developing a NEW website, and not through weebly! We currently have two programmers on the job, Benjamin6817, and BusyCityGuy. They're making quick progress! This website, http://www.theprojectbuild.weebly.com/ is NOT an official website, by the way. This isn't the new website either. Check back often to see how far we've gotten with the new website! Have fun!

We're moving along quickly - we've gotten pretty far with a test world, and completely finished modeling and animating the first world. The programming is in progress, a little bit slower going, but so far, we haven't found any big blocks that would prevent us from continuing. Our members are actively working every day, and all is going well!



    TheMachine is the Co Director of Project B.U.I.L.D. He is also a programmer and community correspondent (he answers questions people have).

    BusyCityGuy is the senior animator and modeler for Project B.U.I.L.D., and manages this website. He's also a web developer for the new upcoming website.


    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012